Ottawa Lifestyle Branding Photographer

Three things to do before hiring a branding photographer

It can be overwhelming to find the right branding photographer even when you know your business is ready for it!

Here are three things to do when you start thinking about finding an Ottawa branding photographer and doing your lifestyle branding photoshoot.

Make sure you love their photography style and that it matches with your brand!

Is your brand style bright and natural? Moody? Nature-filled?

Choose a photographer whose style aligns with your brand aesthetic and values! Browse their socials and website and make sure they're a good fit with yours.

Know your brand vision

Being really clear about your business brand vision translates into your photos and ties it all together!

You can still get some really great photos without fully knowing your vision, but they won't stand the test of time like they would if they convey your true heart and soul of your business!

It will also make it easier to make your shot list, plan your photo shoot and know what photos you want to get and what to do with them.

Ottawa Branding Lifestyle Small Business Photographer

Don't keep putting it off until you feel completely "ready"

There’s a difference between your business being ready and you feeling it personally.

Being in front of the camera to share your business that you’re building can feel really intimidating and vulnerable!

But here’s the thing, you’re probably never going to feel 100% ready. So don’t wait until the ‘perfect’ time, until you change your appearance in some way or until you feel ready.

Once you take the step to do your branding photoshoot you’ll see how now is actually the perfect time. And I can't wait!

