Woman is standing and laughing while wearing a pink suit and standing in front of a rainbow wall

I love joy!

I’m not talking about happiness or toxic positivity.

I'm talking real joy. Chosen joy.

So how do you be a joyful entrepreneur? Here are some ways that I choose joy in my business!

Find out who your ideal client is

I'm not talking about knowing your key demographic or creating your dream client avatar.

I mean figuring out the values of your clients that are important to you too.

Obviously this will take some more thought than just reading this blog post and suddenly figuring it all out, but once you know then it’s magic for the joyful entrepreneur road!

When you know who your client is it takes away decision-fatigue.

Do they align with you? No? Then it’s an easier byyyye.

And if they do align? A JOYful yes!

Sure, there are times when we need to say yes to clients that might not perfectly align with us. We all have bills to pay! But choosing joy lets you adjust your expectations and focus on the positives.

You have the power to choose

What do you avoid doing?

I can choose to let something get to me and ruin my day (and yes, sometime I do. I’m not all sunshine and rainbows). Or I can choose to look for another side of it, another perspective or just that it’s momentary and tomorrow is a new day and another choice!

I’ve chosen to be an entrepreneur and with that comes hard things, but it also gives me the choice of prioritizing things for myself. To me that’s what “being my own boss” really means.

Sometimes I say no to good things in my business so I can say yes to good things for my family and vice verses.

My joy comes in knowing that I can choose.

What are the things that you hate doing in your business?

If you’re not sure just look at the things that you constantly avoid doing but never just take off your to-do list.

Bookkeeping? SEO? Making content? Sharing on Instagram? Your inbox of emails you are avoiding replying to?

Don’t worry, I’m not just going to tell you to outsource them. Because as great as that would be it’s just not feasible for a lot of us.

But there are ways that you can make it easier! By adding a layer of joy to it you can turn it into something that you don’t have to avoid forever.

My thing was SEO.

I know how important it is, I’ve listened to podcasts and heard the experts. I had audits of my website done and knew some of the things I should be doing, but every time I started to I just felt uuuugh - like it was so boring and not making a difference anyway.

But then I found Soul and Self and through her course I learned a way to do it that actually inspired me! A way that lit me up because I was able to talk about my business without just thinking of keywords and google rankings. Sure, those were still important but how she broke it down changed how I thought about it and that was the key.

Full disclosure, I’ve had my business for over 10 years, I had that first audit done probably 6 years ago and have only just started this this year. BUT it was my decision to find a way that included joy that flipped the switch.

I’m not saying it will take 10 years. I’m saying it will take you choosing to find a different way and keep trying until you find it. If you haven’t found it yet keep looking. It’s out there.

Your work

Working with my amazing clients brings me so much joy!! I love creating brand photos that you love. And I legit get excited when I see how amazing you are in your brand photos!

I love the editing and sending you your gallery. And when you proudly use your photos? Another layer of joy!

I want you to love your lifestyle branding photos so that when you see them and use them you feel proud of yourself! You feel excited about your growth in your business and you feel JOY about what you’re creating.

If you’re ready for that feeling then click the button below to send me a message and let’s get started!

